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Part Finder - KTM - 2022 - 300 EXC SIX DAYS TPI - ACCESSORY PACK


Please note: that parts quantities shown on parts diagrams are the quantity of that part that exists on the bike, Not the quantity that we have in stock. Please click on the parts individually to check stock availability, thank you.
Please note: that pricing shown is individual/single per item pricing only unless otherwise indicated in part description.
Ref Part Number Description Part/Desc
0520 00 238 SETSticker set Xplor OC 238x182.5520 00 238 SETSticker set Xplor OC 238x182.5
0797 08 078 036Displacement label 300 EXC SIXDAYS797 08 078 036Displacement label 300 EXC SIXDAYS
0796 03 040 033FOOTREST-SET796 03 040 033FOOTREST-SET
0791 03 094 000EBFrame protection set791 03 094 000EBFrame protection set
0781 41 013 190Fuel filter781 41 013 190Fuel filter
0002 50 50126HH collar screw M5x12 TX30002 50 50126HH collar screw M5x12 TX30
0584 11 098 100Contact washer M6 VSV-K6584 11 098 100Contact washer M6 VSV-K6
0796 02 182 044ABHandguard kit796 02 182 044ABHandguard kit
0796 02 084 044H/GUARD MOUNT KIT796 02 084 044H/GUARD MOUNT KIT
0790 08 010 000ABFront fender790 08 010 000ABFront fender
0002 50 60166HH collar screw M6x16 TX30002 50 60166HH collar screw M6x16 TX30
0772 02 002 144Bar pad cmpl.772 02 002 144Bar pad cmpl.
0812 12 016 100FUEL LINE WASH CAP SET812 12 016 100FUEL LINE WASH CAP SET
0000 70 000 0PA 001dummy plug magnetic pump 2 str000 70 000 0PA 001dummy plug magnetic pump 2 str
0002 10 60003Washer DIN9021-A 6.4002 10 60003Washer DIN9021-A 6.4
0557 15 002 000Active charcoal filter valve, ret. brckt557 15 002 000Active charcoal filter valve, ret. brckt
0210 03 094 000Sticker "EAC"210 03 094 000Sticker "EAC"
0210 07 098 000Sticker fuel labelling210 07 098 000Sticker fuel labelling
0503 07 098 000STICKER ''OWNERS MANUAL''503 07 098 000STICKER ''OWNERS MANUAL''
0502 03 098 002Sticker "Warning Label 2" EXC502 03 098 002Sticker "Warning Label 2" EXC
0548 12 063 044Rear brake pedal safety wire548 12 063 044Rear brake pedal safety wire
Ref Part Number Description Part, Description # On Img # Cart $ Each Notes
0 520 00 238 SET Sticker set Xplor OC 238x182.5 520 00 238 SETSticker set Xplor OC 238x182.51 on diagram x1 59.20
0 797 08 078 036 Displacement label 300 EXC SIXDAYS 797 08 078 036Displacement label 300 EXC SIXDAYS1 on diagram x1 54.25
0 796 03 040 033 FOOTREST-SET 796 03 040 033FOOTREST-SET1 on diagram x1 165.30
0 791 03 094 000EB Frame protection set 791 03 094 000EBFrame protection set1 on diagram x1 71.90
0 781 41 013 190 Fuel filter 781 41 013 190Fuel filter3 on diagram x3 11.85
0 002 50 50126 HH collar screw M5x12 TX30 002 50 50126HH collar screw M5x12 TX302 on diagram x2 4.45
0 584 11 098 100 Contact washer M6 VSV-K6 584 11 098 100Contact washer M6 VSV-K62 on diagram x2 6.05
0 796 02 182 044AB Handguard kit 796 02 182 044ABHandguard kit1 on diagram x1 61.60
0 796 02 084 044 H/GUARD MOUNT KIT 796 02 084 044H/GUARD MOUNT KIT1 on diagram x1 49.25
0 790 08 010 000AB Front fender 790 08 010 000ABFront fender1 on diagram x1 69.40
0 002 50 60166 HH collar screw M6x16 TX30 002 50 60166HH collar screw M6x16 TX304 on diagram x4 4.45
0 772 02 002 144 Bar pad cmpl. 772 02 002 144Bar pad cmpl.1 on diagram x1 41.05
0 812 12 016 100 FUEL LINE WASH CAP SET 812 12 016 100FUEL LINE WASH CAP SET1 on diagram x1 20.50
0 000 70 000 0PA 001 dummy plug magnetic pump 2 str 000 70 000 0PA 001dummy plug magnetic pump 2 str1 on diagram x1 30.65
0 002 10 60003 Washer DIN9021-A 6.4 002 10 60003Washer DIN9021-A 6.41 on diagram x1 3.55
0 557 15 002 000 Active charcoal filter valve, ret. brckt 557 15 002 000Active charcoal filter valve, ret. brckt1 on diagram x1 28.50
0 210 03 094 000 Sticker "EAC" 210 03 094 000Sticker "EAC"1 on diagram x1 16.75
0 210 07 098 000 Sticker fuel labelling 210 07 098 000Sticker fuel labelling1 on diagram x1 16.75
0 503 07 098 000 STICKER ''OWNERS MANUAL'' 503 07 098 000STICKER ''OWNERS MANUAL''1 on diagram x1 13.05
0 502 03 098 002 Sticker "Warning Label 2" EXC 502 03 098 002Sticker "Warning Label 2" EXC1 on diagram x1 16.00
0 548 12 063 044 Rear brake pedal safety wire 548 12 063 044Rear brake pedal safety wire1 on diagram x1 20.50
1 321 44 21EN Owner Manual 250 EXC TPI '22 321 44 21ENOwner Manual 250 EXC TPI '221 on diagram x1 89.65
29 A54 02 909 9100 On-board tool kit A54 02 909 9100On-board tool kit1 on diagram x1 103.50

520 00 238 SET - Sticker set Xplor OC 238x182.5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    520 00 238 SET
  • Description

    Sticker set Xplor OC 238x182.5
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

797 08 078 036 - Displacement label 300 EXC SIXDAYS

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    797 08 078 036
  • Description

    Displacement label 300 EXC SIXDAYS
This part is not available for sale.

796 03 040 033 - FOOTREST-SET

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    796 03 040 033
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

791 03 094 000EB - Frame protection set

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    791 03 094 000EB
  • Description

    Frame protection set
This part is not available for sale.

781 41 013 190 - Fuel filter

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    781 41 013 190
  • Description

    Fuel filter
This part is not available for sale.

002 50 50126 - HH collar screw M5x12 TX30

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    002 50 50126
  • Description

    HH collar screw M5x12 TX30
This part is not available for sale.

584 11 098 100 - Contact washer M6 VSV-K6

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    584 11 098 100
  • Description

    Contact washer M6 VSV-K6
This part is not available for sale.

796 02 182 044AB - Handguard kit

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    796 02 182 044AB
  • Description

    Handguard kit
This part is not available for sale.

796 02 084 044 - H/GUARD MOUNT KIT

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    796 02 084 044
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

790 08 010 000AB - Front fender

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    790 08 010 000AB
  • Description

    Front fender
This part is not available for sale.

002 50 60166 - HH collar screw M6x16 TX30

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    002 50 60166
  • Description

    HH collar screw M6x16 TX30
This part is not available for sale.

772 02 002 144 - Bar pad cmpl.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    772 02 002 144
  • Description

    Bar pad cmpl.
This part is not available for sale.

812 12 016 100 - FUEL LINE WASH CAP SET

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    812 12 016 100
  • Description

  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

000 70 000 0PA 001 - dummy plug magnetic pump 2 str

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    000 70 000 0PA 001
  • Description

    dummy plug magnetic pump 2 str
This part is not available for sale.

002 10 60003 - Washer DIN9021-A 6.4

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    002 10 60003
  • Description

    Washer DIN9021-A 6.4
This part is not available for sale.

557 15 002 000 - Active charcoal filter valve, ret. brckt

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    557 15 002 000
  • Description

    Active charcoal filter valve, ret. brckt
This part is not available for sale.

210 03 094 000 - Sticker "EAC"

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    210 03 094 000
  • Description

    Sticker "EAC"
This part is not available for sale.

210 07 098 000 - Sticker fuel labelling

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    210 07 098 000
  • Description

    Sticker fuel labelling
This part is not available for sale.

503 07 098 000 - STICKER ''OWNERS MANUAL''

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    503 07 098 000
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

502 03 098 002 - Sticker "Warning Label 2" EXC

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    502 03 098 002
  • Description

    Sticker "Warning Label 2" EXC
This part is not available for sale.

548 12 063 044 - Rear brake pedal safety wire

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    548 12 063 044
  • Description

    Rear brake pedal safety wire
This part is not available for sale.

321 44 21EN - Owner Manual 250 EXC TPI '22

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    321 44 21EN
  • Description

    Owner Manual 250 EXC TPI '22
This part is not available for sale.

A54 02 909 9100 - On-board tool kit

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    A54 02 909 9100
  • Description

    On-board tool kit
This part is not available for sale.