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Part Finder - KTM - 1999 - 400 SX-C '99 - LIGHTING SYSTEM


Please note: that parts quantities shown on parts diagrams are the quantity of that part that exists on the bike, Not the quantity that we have in stock. Please click on the parts individually to check stock availability, thank you.
Please note: that pricing shown is individual/single per item pricing only unless otherwise indicated in part description.
Ref Part Number Description Part, Description # On Img # Cart $ Each Notes
11 502 11 631 000 ADJUSTING SCREW CPL. M4X40 502 11 631 000ADJUSTING SCREW CPL. M4X401 on diagram x1 19.60
12 502 11 410 050 HEADLIGHT BRACKET '93 502 11 410 050HEADLIGHT BRACKET '932 on diagram x2 6.40
13 001 60 40183 SCREW FOR PLASTIC D=4X18 001 60 40183SCREW FOR PLASTIC D=4X184 on diagram x4 4.45
14 441 11 038 000 BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D 441 11 038 000BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D1 on diagram x1 31.20
18 310 08 060 000 rubber grommet D=8mm open 310 08 060 000rubber grommet D=8mm open2 on diagram x2 11.50
19 441 11 015 100 BULB 12V 10W (BA15S) 441 11 015 100BULB 12V 10W (BA15S)4 on diagram x4 4.60
22 584 14 030 000 HH COLLAR NUT M10X1,25 WS=13 584 14 030 000HH COLLAR NUT M10X1,25 WS=134 on diagram x4 6.85
23 079 71 00003 LOCK WASHER DIN6797-J10,5 ZI 079 71 00003LOCK WASHER DIN6797-J10,5 ZI4 on diagram x4 3.80
24 012 51 00003 washer DIN 125 A 10.5 012 51 00003washer DIN 125 A 10.54 on diagram x4 3.80
25 584 14 025 00030 FLASHER CPL.FRONT L/S REAR R/S 584 14 025 00030FLASHER CPL.FRONT L/S REAR R/S2 on diagram x2 53.85
26 584 14 026 00030 FLASHER CPL.FRONT R/S REAR L/S 584 14 026 00030FLASHER CPL.FRONT R/S REAR L/S2 on diagram x2 53.85
28 584 14 028 000 FLASHER LENS L/S & R/S '98 584 14 028 000FLASHER LENS L/S & R/S '984 on diagram x4 12.50
30 502 11 410 000 HEADLIGHT CPL. CEV 322 '93 502 11 410 000HEADLIGHT CPL. CEV 322 '931 on diagram x1 193.75
35 502 11 436 000 BULB SOCKET 502 11 436 000BULB SOCKET1 on diagram x1 46.55
36 502 11 437 000 * COVER CAP 502 11 437 000* COVER CAP1 on diagram x1 9.60
37 490 11 435 100 BULB 12V 5W (W2,1X9,5D) PHIL. 490 11 435 100BULB 12V 5W (W2,1X9,5D) PHIL.1 on diagram x1 4.60
39 580 11 039 000 SPACER BUSHING 6,5 X 8 X 7 580 11 039 000SPACER BUSHING 6,5 X 8 X 72 on diagram x2 6.70
40 583 11 040 000 REAR LIGHT CPL. CEV 358 '93 583 11 040 000REAR LIGHT CPL. CEV 358 '931 on diagram x1 185.80
41 583 11 041 000 LENS '93 583 11 041 000LENS '931 on diagram x1 54.25
42 584 14 042 000 BULB 12V 21/5W (BAY15S)REINFO. 584 14 042 000BULB 12V 21/5W (BAY15S)REINFO.2 on diagram x2 12.10
45 098 50 60003 Self lock. nut DIN985-M6-A2 098 50 60003Self lock. nut DIN985-M6-A22 on diagram x2 5.00
46 002 10 60003 Washer DIN9021-A 6.4 002 10 60003Washer DIN9021-A 6.42 on diagram x2 3.55
72 502 11 410 010 (NLA) CABLE FOR HEADLIGHT '93 502 11 410 010(NLA) CABLE FOR HEADLIGHT '931 on diagram x1 84.50

502 11 631 000 - ADJUSTING SCREW CPL. M4X40

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    502 11 631 000
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

502 11 410 050 - HEADLIGHT BRACKET '93

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    502 11 410 050
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

001 60 40183 - SCREW FOR PLASTIC D=4X18

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    001 60 40183
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

441 11 038 000 - BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    441 11 038 000
  • Description

    BILUX-BULB 12V 35/35W BA20D
This part is not available for sale.

310 08 060 000 - rubber grommet D=8mm open

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    310 08 060 000
  • Description

    rubber grommet D=8mm open
This part is not available for sale.

441 11 015 100 - BULB 12V 10W (BA15S)

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    441 11 015 100
  • Description

    BULB 12V 10W (BA15S)
This part is not available for sale.

584 14 030 000 - HH COLLAR NUT M10X1,25 WS=13

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    584 14 030 000
  • Description

    HH COLLAR NUT M10X1,25 WS=13
This part is not available for sale.

079 71 00003 - LOCK WASHER DIN6797-J10,5 ZI

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    079 71 00003
  • Description

    LOCK WASHER DIN6797-J10,5 ZI
This part is not available for sale.

012 51 00003 - washer DIN 125 A 10.5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    012 51 00003
  • Description

    washer DIN 125 A 10.5
This part is not available for sale.

584 14 025 00030 - FLASHER CPL.FRONT L/S REAR R/S

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    584 14 025 00030
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

584 14 026 00030 - FLASHER CPL.FRONT R/S REAR L/S

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    584 14 026 00030
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

584 14 028 000 - FLASHER LENS L/S & R/S '98

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    584 14 028 000
  • Description

    FLASHER LENS L/S & R/S '98
This part is not available for sale.

502 11 410 000 - HEADLIGHT CPL. CEV 322 '93

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    502 11 410 000
  • Description

    HEADLIGHT CPL. CEV 322 '93
This part is not available for sale.

502 11 436 000 - BULB SOCKET

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    502 11 436 000
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

502 11 437 000 - * COVER CAP

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    502 11 437 000
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.

490 11 435 100 - BULB 12V 5W (W2,1X9,5D) PHIL.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    490 11 435 100
  • Description

    BULB 12V 5W (W2,1X9,5D) PHIL.
This part is not available for sale.

580 11 039 000 - SPACER BUSHING 6,5 X 8 X 7

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    580 11 039 000
  • Description

    SPACER BUSHING 6,5 X 8 X 7
This part is not available for sale.

583 11 040 000 - REAR LIGHT CPL. CEV 358 '93

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    583 11 040 000
  • Description

    REAR LIGHT CPL. CEV 358 '93
This part is not available for sale.

583 11 041 000 - LENS '93

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    583 11 041 000
  • Description

    LENS '93
This part is not available for sale.

584 14 042 000 - BULB 12V 21/5W (BAY15S)REINFO.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    584 14 042 000
  • Description

    BULB 12V 21/5W (BAY15S)REINFO.
This part is not available for sale.

098 50 60003 - Self lock. nut DIN985-M6-A2

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    098 50 60003
  • Description

    Self lock. nut DIN985-M6-A2
This part is not available for sale.

002 10 60003 - Washer DIN9021-A 6.4

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    002 10 60003
  • Description

    Washer DIN9021-A 6.4
This part is not available for sale.

502 11 410 010 - (NLA) CABLE FOR HEADLIGHT '93

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    502 11 410 010
  • Description

This part is not available for sale.